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MEETING NOTIFICATION: Meeting of the Advisory Board to the Comptroller – 10月25日, 2023下午1:30

The text "Advisory Board to the Comptroller / Meeting Notification" and the Seal of the Office of the Comptroller

人: The Advisory Board to the Comptroller
什么: Meeting to discuss outlook for Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Reporting
当: Wednesday, 10月25日, 2023下午1:30
地点: 实际上,通过 变焦
Dial-in: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 841 0842 7372

The Advisory Board to the Comptroller (the “Board”) will hold a virtual meeting on Wednesday, 10月25日, 2023下午1:30, 通过放大. This is a public meeting subject to the Open Meeting Law.

The Board is expected to review the outlook for Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Reporting, detailing the expected timeline for publication of the Commonwealth’s three major financial reports: the Statutory Basis Financial Report (SBFR) Annual Comprehensive Report (ACFR)和 Statewide Single Audit Report. Fiscal Year 2023 is the period that ended on June 30, 2023.

The formal meeting notification and agenda is available at 这个链接.

bet356官网首页 the Advisory Board to the Comptroller

The Board was created pursuant to M.G.L. c. 7A, § 2.
The Board meets to provide advice and counsel to the Comptroller in the performance of his duties. The Board is responsible for reviewing any rules or regulations promulgated by the Comptroller prior to their implementation. The Board also reviews, prior to publication, the annual financial report of the Commonwealth, published by the Comptroller.

bet356官网首页 the Office of the Comptroller

The Office of the Comptroller ensures that the more than $50 billion in annual transactions authorized by the general appropriations act and supplemental appropriations are executed in accordance with all statutory requirements and recorded in compliance with accounting standards. We also oversee capital assets, federal funding inflows, and other transactions. We also own and maintain statewide payments and payroll systems, safeguarding critical financial information. We operate in support of our partners, the financial staff at more than 150 departments and agencies across the Commonwealth.

As stewards of the public trust, we aspire to inspire confidence by maintaining our core principles: clarity, 完整性, and accountability.

The powers and obligations of the Office of the Comptroller are generally dictated by M.G.L. c. 7A.

The Comptroller of the Commonwealth is 威廉·麦克纳马拉, who has served as the 20th Comptroller since February 2020.